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Monday 31 January 2011

Semana Cinco

Yes, that's right - a Spanish post title! That's all you're getting in Spanish though, lucky/unlucky for you (definitely unlucky for me, I feel I should be ace at this by now).

As you might, or might not, have gleaned from the extensive title up there ^^^ it's week 5 of 6 on the paediatrics rotation at good ol' Whiston. And just to prove how wrong I can be it's GREAT! Well, "GREAT" might be overstating facts ever... so... slightly... but I'm allowed to be enthusiastic considering how low my expectations were originally. I have now completed 2 clinic weeks and one ward week, and in the magical orange book I'm well over 75% complete. This deserves a loud "WooHoo!" and an air punch. If only I wasn't sat alone in my room, that would have been so much more fulfilling.

As I don't think I previously explained this magical orange book to you I will give you a brief overview now: Liverpool have a lovely way of making sure their students attain the targets they set. It's not by providing relevant teaching (although this occasionally happens by fluke), it's not by giving us a syllabus or course structure (this never happens by fluke, but apparently it should have happened on purpose by today - surprise of all surprises, no syllabus). It is by issuing us with beautifully coloured books, different hue for each year, and making us run around like crazy people, badgering all and sundry until each little space is occupied by a signature (firma if we stick with the Spanish theme).

Even more surprising to note is that, when it comes to kids, I am semi-OK at conversing with them. Not by any means brilliant, but semi-OK is all I ask for. Having spent a reasonable period of my life convinced that all children run from me in fear (yes, I was THAT Brownie leader) it's nice to know that only 50% of children actually do. Haha, of course I jest. It's more like 75%. Ah,  got you again! It's only about 25%, and I'm working on the assumption that at least 25% of children have not encountered me yet.

Moving on from the current rotation, towards SSM 5. This one, so far, is not going to plan. I really should start writing it soon, but I get so distracted when it's only on one day a week. Damn this time management test.

On a more amusing note, we have now got our CTM peer appraisals to do. Either I am seriously deluding myself, or I shouldn't have any problems passing - if we ignore the sample size, which may or may not be a massive issue. Although I feel that now I've permanently revealed that train of thought to the blogosphere I am forever doomed to eat my words and FAIL FAIL FAIL.

And that is as far as life at Liverpool has taken me. This week is once again in the wards, fingers crossed that I'll be pushing 90% magical book completion by the end. And on Monday is my formative OSCE. Eugh. Death. Ah well, for now it's time to stop procrastinating and do some work, sweet work. Adios!

1 comment:

  1. i think you get on with the kids due to your fantastic lanyard!!!
